The American National Committee

2016 American Party Presidential Candidate, Dennis Andrew Ball shown here today at the Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library at 2401 Welton, Denver.
He is holding Press Conference, answering questions, signing autographs and Campaigning for the 2016 Nomination of the Party.
Mr. Ball is on a 50-State tour marshalling volunteers to bring in the petition signatures in every State for ballot access.
He is the founder of the American Party Of America and Chairman of the American National Committee.
The AoA began in 1995, as a strong response to the negative consequences to the family and to the children of this nation, from the policies pursued by the Democrat party as it pushed leftward under then-President Bill Clinton.

Please review and the Party website

We are witnessing History in the making! The Ball Doctrine is a direct Solution to today's Economic & Social problems.

Ball said, "Fatherless families are the Social problem of our time!"
Build families to make a strong America, by Creating the means to support the ends, to end income disparity by rebuilding a strong Middle class.

Phone interviews welcome - please send us a contact

request and ask for:
Dave Smith
Chief Of Staff